Every customer gives its own interpretation to the service provision towards its relations; not us, not a road carrier, airline or shipping company, but the customer is the one who decides how something should be transported. That is why we respond to this need and offer various options. If you want a complete interpretation of your logistical wishes from the moment your cargo is ready for shipment to the delivery and clearance of the cargo at your customer's door, then that is in good hands with us (outsourcing). However, when there is a need to be in control, we map the complete logistics, tailored to the company, after which the customer takes over control. For this form of consultancy, we agree on a fixed rate in advance (consultancy). It can be even crazier!
We can put you in touch with the right partners at any location, anywhere in the world. If desired, we can train your colleagues who "do some extra logistics" within your company by looking at the operation on location and providing them with all possible information. After completion you have a full charter and sufficient contacts with which you will be able to advance for years (training).